Friday, June 30, 2006

The Dawn

There are times that you are overwhelmed dazed and paralyzed. You are stranded not daring to go anywhere and then slowly you realized there is no needed to hide, or run. There is nothing to fear, nothing to dread. What you have been putting off, avoiding, dreading, is actually pleasant, worthwhile, healing. In those moments you are suspended in the hand of God while he speaks to your soul. As he leads you in prayers of repentance, as he heals the wounds never realized you had because you have been so busy with the fight of your life. Then you realize it is God that was pursuing you. He was not out to kill you, expose you, or humiliate you as you feared, but to heal, restore, and impart. Had you taken the time to look at your pursuer maybe you would have stopped, and maybe not. Too often you run for no good reason, often for no reason at all. In those overwhelmed, paralyzed moments you are suspended in God between the worries of this life, the failures of this life, and the hopes of eternity. It is as though the dawn of eternity has sent a barely perceptible ray of light upon you and it brings heal and strength. Then He sets you down, but the ray of light no longer to be seen, but still you are full of hope knowing it is coming. This was my morning.

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